Ai SketchBot Caricatures
Personalized Ai SketchBot Caricatures with unique mini-bodies
SketchBot drawing custom caricatures with unique personalities

Ai SketchBot Caricatures: Small Bodies, Maximum Fun!

With the new caricature mode, guests don’t just get a portrait sketch, they transform into their favorite character, profession, or persona!

Superheroes, rockstars, athletes, fairies, robots, pirates, and scientists are just a few of the dozens of mini-bodies that can be chosen or randomly selected.

Ai SketchBots have never been more fun!

Perfectly Customized For Your Experience

Choose from our signature lineup of mini-bodies, or allow guests to be surprised by having the system randomly select one from subset of caricature mini-bodies, or the whole library.

If you want to personalize your event further, let us craft a perfect set of mini-bodies tailored to fit your experience or event.

Keeps Guests Coming Back for More!

Guests and customers alike love coming back to try other caricature mini-bodies, which keeps the fun nearly never ending!

And of course, both the physical and digital takeaways can incorporate your branding, messaging, and colors to ensure maximum alignment with your brand.

Pirate themed caricature drawn by SketchBot
Snowboarding caricature drawn by SketchBot
Superhero caricature drawn by Ai SketchBot